Class VIII Second Unit Test 2024 English Questions// ক্লাস 8 ইংরেজি প্রশ্নপত্র দ্বিতীয় ইউনিট টেস্ট

এখানে Class VIII এর Second Unit Test 2024 এর জন্য English Questions শেয়ার করা হলো।

Class VIII Second Unit Test 2024 English Questions // ক্লাস 8 ইংরেজি প্রশ্নপত্র দ্বিতীয় ইউনিট টেস্ট Set: 1

1) Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:

Princess September, the daughter of the king of Siam, was very unhappy. She was weeping alone one day in her own room when she saw a little bird hop in. Then the little bird began to sing. He sang a beautiful song all about the lake in the king’s garden and the willow trees reflected in the still water. When he had finished, the Princess was not crying any more. “That was a very nice song,” she said. “Would you want me to live with you?” said the little bird.

A. Tick (✔) the correct alternatives:

(i) When the little bird hopped into Princess September’s room, she was-
(a) clapping her hands
(b) crying alone
(c) sleeping in her bed

(ii) Princess September was the daughter of the king of-
(a) Siam
(b) Nepal
(c) Bhutan
(d) Bangladesh

(iii) Princess September was-
(a) happy
(b) unhappy
(c) jealous
(d) angry

(iv) The bird sang a-
(a) beautiful song
(b) ugly song
(c) bad song
(d) easy song

B. Answer the following questions:

(i) Who was Princess September?
(ii) About what did the little bird sing?
(iii) When was Princess September not crying any more?


2) A. In the following sentences underline and identify the phrases:

(i) The wind blew with great speed.
(iii) She is a lady of great patience.
(ii) The king wore a crown made of diamond.

B. Underline the infinitives in the following sentences:

(i) The guava is fit to eat.

(ii) To find fault is easy.

3) Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to be kind to animals.

Class VIII Second Unit Test 2024 English Questions // ক্লাস 8 ইংরেজি প্রশ্নপত্র দ্বিতীয় ইউনিট টেস্ট Lesson 6: The Sea

A. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives:

(i) The sea is compared to a-
(a) cat
(b) dog
(c) cow

(ii) The colour of the sea is-
(a) blue
(b) white
(c) grey

(iii) The sea rolls on the beach-
(a) all night
(b) all day
(c) all morning

(iv) The jaws of the dog compared with the sea is
(a) sharp
(b) rough
(c) thin

(v) The moon rocks in the
(a) fresh cloud
(b) rainy cloud
(c) stormy cloud

(vi) Which month is referred to in the poem?
(a) April or May
(b) May or June
(c) June or July

(vii) What was there between his paws?
(a) head
(b) leg
(c) hand

(viii) The meaning of dune is
(a) hill of rock
(b) hill of garbage
(c) hill of wind-blown sand

B. Fill in the blanks with correct information:

(i) The sea is just like a ———
(ii) The sea rolls on the beach —————–
(iii) The giant sea-dog moans licking his ————-
(iv) The moon rocks in the stormy cloud when ——————-
(v) But on quiet days in ———————
(vi) His head was between his ——————
(vii) He lies on the sandy —————-
(viii) The poem is written by ——————
(ix) The sea rolls on the beach all day with ————
(x) The giant sea dog —————– his greasy paws.

C. Mention which statement is true and which is false :

(i) The sea is not a hungry dog.
(ii) The sea is grey in colour.
(iii) He rolls on the beach all night.
(iv) The sea gnaws for an hour only.
(v) The moon rocks in the stormy cloud.
(vi) In May, the days remain quiet.
(vii) He lies on the sandy shores.

D. Answer the following questions:

(i) How does the giant sea dog moan?
(ii) With whom is the sea compared?
(iii) Where does the moon rock?
(iv) Who has written the poem?
(v) Which months are referred to in the poem?
(vi) What does the sea do all day?
(vii) Where does the moon rock?
(viii) Where does the sea roll all day?

Class VIII Second Unit Test 2024 English Questions // ক্লাস 8 ইংরেজি প্রশ্নপত্র দ্বিতীয় ইউনিট টেস্ট Set: 3
1) Read the following text and answer as directed:

King Arthur could gift peace and prosperity to England. The greedy barons were unhappy with King Arthur because he was gentle and just. He married the beautiful Lady Guinevere, daughter of the king of Cornwall. On the wedding day, Merlin took him to a richly gilded pavilion, painted crimson and dark blue. The floor was marbled. In the middle of the room was a huge, round, oak table, richly carved, capable of seating fifty people. This was the famous round table around which gathered King Arthur’s devoted knights. These knights promised that they would help the helpless, be gentle to the weak and to punish the wicked. To keep their vows, the knights undertook countless hazardous adventures. The stories of their goodness and kindness spread throughout the country.

A. Tick (✔) the correct alternatives:

(i) The knights were
(a) brave and greedy
(b) sympathetic and selfish
(c) good and kind
(d) gentle and weak

(ii) Merlin took Arthur to a gilded pavilion on Arthur’s-
(a) birthday
(b) day of marriage
(c) day of battle
(d) friendship day

B. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statements in the given boxes:

(i) Arthur was unhappy with the greedy barons.
(ii) The knights were very much loyal to King Arthur.

C. Complete the following sentences with the information from the text:

(i) As King Arthur was gentle and just

(ii) To help the helpless was

(iii) The wife of King Arthur, princess of Cornwall was

2) Read the poem and answer the following questions:

The sea is a hungry dog,
Giant and grey.
He rolls on the beach all day.
With his clashing teeth and shaggy jaws
Hour upon hour he gnaws The rumbling, tumbling stones, And ‘Bones, bones, bones!’
The giant sea-dog moans,
Licking his greasy paws.
while it was moaning.

A. Complete the following sentences:

(i) The giant sea was —————

(ii) The sea-dog rolls on the beach with his —————

B. Complete the following table with information from the text:
WhenDoes what
(i) All day
(ii) Hour upon hour

C. Find words from the text that mean the following:

(i) rough:
(ii) bites:

Grammar and Vocabulary

3) Underline the clauses in the following sentences and state what kind of clauses they are:

(i) He was a man whom everyone admired.
(ii) I hope that my uncle will visit me.
(iii) He could not walk further as he was tired.

4) Underline the infinitives in the following sentences :

(i) I am sorry to disturb you again.
(ii) He wanted to retire from service.


5) Write a short story in about 80 words using the following hints:

Hints: A king, proud of his power-tells he can control everything on earth —- takes his courtiers to the sea shore —- orders the waves to move back —- the waves lash at the feet of the king —- the king moves back in fear.

Class 8 English Question Second Unit Test 2024 // ক্লাস 8 ইংরেজি প্রশ্নপত্র দ্বিতীয় ইউনিট টেস্ট Set: 4

1) Read the text below and answer the following questions:

Many hundreds of years ago, England was ruled by a king called Uther-Pendragon. The king, who was friend and protector to all his people, was fair to everyone. The people of Britain lived in peace and happiness, tending their flocks and tilling their fields.
King Uther-Pendragon had married the beautiful Lady Igraine, and had a son. This child was the heir to the royal throne.
The king and the queen died soon after the baby boy was born. It was a difficult time. Many of the king’s opponents were looking to seize the throne. King Uther-Pendragon had two wise counsellors-Merlin, a prophet and a magician, and the brave knight, Sir Ulfius. They were greatly trusted by the royal family. When the king and the queen were no more, the two counsellors met Sir Ector the Trustworthy, a loyal subject of the king, on a cold and windy midnight. They placed in his hands a baby wrapped in a scarlet cloak. Merlin said, “We order you and your wife to bring up this child as though he were your own son.” “The boy is to be called Arthur,” Sir Ulfius said. Sir Ector, being a true knight, asked no questions and promised to obey his late king’s counsellors.
As Merlin and Sir Ulfius had feared, trouble broke out in Britain after the passing away of the king. The barons were fighting among themselves and plotting to capture the throne. Britain was in the grip of lawlessness. Travellers were regularly robbed. The peasants were unhappy.

A. Answer the following questions:

(i) What type of a king was King Uther-Pendragon?
(ii) Who were Merlin and Sir Ulfius?
(iii) What happened in Britain after the passing away of the king?

2) State True (‘T’) or False (‘F’) and provide supporting sentences:

(i) Sir Ector disobeyed the late king’s counsellor’s orders.


(ii) The wife of King Uther-Pendragon was Lady Sangria.


(iii) After the passing away of the king there was prosperity.


2) Write the antonyms of the underlined words:

(i) The swallow will sing forever.
(ii) The student laughed aloud.
(iii) I can see beautiful things in my land.

3) Do as directed:

(i) We eat. We want to live. (Make it a simple, sentence)

(ii) The hunter killed the lion. (Change the voice)

(iii) He is MA in English. (Use an appropriate article)

4) Write a paragraph on ‘Your Best Friend’. Or, ‘A Rainy Day’.

Class VIII Second Unit Test 2024 English Questions // ক্লাস 8 ইংরেজি প্রশ্নপত্র দ্বিতীয় ইউনিট টেস্ট (Syllabus)

Second Summative Evaluation 2024
Class 8
Full Marks: 25 Time: 50 Minutes


Lesson 5: Princess September
Lesson 6: The Sea
Lesson 7: The Happy Prince

Read more: ক্লাস 8 সংস্কৃত প্রশ্নপত্র দ্বিতীয় ইউনিট টেস্ট 2024

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