The Second Coming MCQ Question Answer / Class 11 English First Semester

WBCHSE Class 11 English First Semester // The Second Coming ( William Butler Yeasts) MCQ Question Answer

The Second Coming MCQ Question Answer Set: 1

(1) What is the central theme of W. B. Yeats’ poem “The Second Coming”?
a) The inevitability of societal collapse
b) The anticipation of the return of Jesus Christ
c) The triumph of good over evil
d) The struggle for power in post-war Europe

Ans: b) The anticipation of the return of Jesus Christ

(2) In the poem, what does the falcon symbolize?
a) Authority and control
b) Freedom and independence
c) Fear and uncertainty
d) Loyalty and obedience

Ans: a) Authority and control

(3) Which literary movement is “The Second Coming” associated with?
a) Romanticism
b) Realism
c) Modernism
d) Classicism

Ans: c) Modernism

(4) According to the poem, what is described as being “loosed upon the world”?
a) Chaos and anarchy
b) Peace and tranquility
c) Justice and order
d) Love and harmony

Ans: a) Chaos and anarchy

(5) What biblical event does Yeats allude to in the phrase “The Second Coming”?
a) The Resurrection
b) The Crucifixion
c) The Ascension
d) The Apocalypse

Ans: d) The Apocalypse

(6) What imagery is used to describe the approaching figure in the poem?
a) A towering mountain
b) A roaring lion
c) A newborn child
d) A mysterious beast

Ans: d) A mysterious beast

(7) According to the poem, what disturbs the speaker’s sight?
a) A vast image of chaos
b) A figure with a lion body and human head
c) Shadows of desert birds
d) The darkness dropping again

Ans: b) A figure with a lion body and human head

(8) How does the speaker describe the gaze of the approaching figure?
a) Blank and pitiless as the Sun
b) Kind and compassionate as a mother’s
c) Fierce and fiery as the sun
d) Cold and calculating as steel

Ans: a) Blank and pitiless as the Sun

(9) What does the speaker suggest about the figure’s origin?
a) It emerges from the sea
b) It is born of human conflict
c) It descends from the heavens
d) It rises from the depths of the earth

Ans: d) It rises from the depths of the earth

(10) How does Yeats describe the state of the world in the poem?
a) Peaceful and harmonious
b) Chaotic and turbulent
c) Joyful and celebratory
d) Serene and tranquil

Ans: b) Chaotic and turbulent

একাদশ শ্রেণী প্রথম সেমেস্টার ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন উত্তর / The Second Coming MCQ Question Answer

(11) What emotion does the speaker attribute to the “indignant desert birds”?
a) Fear
b) Anger
c) Sadness
d) Confusion

Ans: b) Anger

(12) What does the speaker imply about the future with the phrase “Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born”?
a) A new era of peace and prosperity is beginning
b) The birth of a new Messiah is imminent
c) The decline of civilization is inevitable
d) The world is on the brink of destruction

Ans: c) The decline of civilization is inevitable

(13) What does the phrase “Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world” suggest in the poem?
a) A state of absolute chaos and disorder
b) A period of peace and harmony
c) A sense of control and authority
d) A transition towards enlightenment

Ans: a) A state of absolute chaos and disorder

(14) What does the term “ceremony of innocence” refer to in the poem?
a) A ritualistic practice
b) A celebration of purity and virtue
c) An allegory for societal norms
d) A metaphor for childhood innocence

Ans: d) A metaphor for childhood innocence

(15) Which word best describes the tone of W. B. Yeats’ poem “The Second Coming”?
a) Hopeful
b) Melancholic
c) Optimistic
d) Whimsical

Ans: b) Melancholic

(16) What does the phrase “Somewhere in sands of the desert” evoke in the poem?
a) A sense of mystery and foreboding
b) A feeling of serenity and calmness
c) An image of vastness and desolation
d) A connection to ancient civilizations

Ans: a) A sense of mystery and foreboding

(17) What does the phrase “Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds” suggest about the atmosphere in the poem?
a) A sense of chaos and confusion
b) A feeling of tranquility and peace
c) An image of majestic beauty
d) A representation of spiritual awakening

Ans: a) A sense of chaos and confusion

(18) What does the phrase “The darkness drops again” symbolize in the poem?
a) A return to ignorance and oblivion
b) A revelation of truth and enlightenment
c) A transition towards a new era
d) A metaphor for the end of the world

Ans: a) A return to ignorance and oblivion

(19) What does the phrase “its hour come round at last” imply about the approaching figure in the poem?
a) Its inevitable destiny
b) Its sudden appearance
c) Its divine intervention
d) Its final redemption

Ans: a) Its inevitable destiny

(20) What is the significance of the location “Bethlehem” in the context of the poem?
a) It represents a place of birth and renewal
b) It symbolizes a historical event
c) It signifies a religious pilgrimage
d) It serves as a metaphor for salvation

Ans: a) It represents a place of birth and renewal

(21) In the line “Turning and turning in the widening gyre,” what figure of speech is employed to emphasize the repetitive and cyclical nature of events?
a) Metaphor
b) Simile
c) Personification
d) Alliteration

Ans: a) Metaphor

Class 11 English First Semester: The Second Coming MCQ Question Answer

(22) Which figure of speech is utilized in the phrase “The falcon cannot hear the falconer”?
a) Hyperbole
b) Personification
c) Oxymoron
d) Onomatopoeia

Ans: b) Personification

(23) What figure of speech is evident in the line “The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity”?
a) Alliteration
b) Paradox
c) Synecdoche
d) Irony

Ans: b) Paradox

(24) Which figure of speech is employed in the phrase “Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds”?
a) Metaphor
b) Simile
c) Personification
d) Hyperbole

Ans: a) Metaphor

The Second Coming MCQ Question Answer Set: 2

(1) What does the phrase “the widening gyre” imply?
a) Expansion and growth
b) Narrowing and focusing
c) Increasing chaos and disorder
d) Stability and balance

Answer: c) Increasing chaos and disorder

(2) What does the phrase “The falcon cannot hear the falconer” suggest?
a) Harmony and communication
b) Separation and disconnection
c) Peace and understanding
d) Union and cooperation

Answer: b) Separation and disconnection

(3) What does “The centre cannot hold” symbolize?
a) Unity
b) Stability
c) Fragmentation
d) Concentration

Answer: c) Fragmentation

(4) The term “Mere anarchy” means:
a) Pure chaos
b) Absolute peace
c) Controlled disorder
d) Simple disarray

Answer: a) Pure chaos

(5) “The blood-dimmed tide” refers to:
a) A peaceful ocean
b) A violent flood
c) A calm river
d) A serene sea

Answer: b) A violent flood

(6) What is drowned in the poem?
a) Wisdom
b) Innocence
c) Strength
d) Power

Answer: b) Innocence

(7) “The best lack all conviction” implies:
a) The best are confident
b) The best are hesitant
c) The best are indifferent
d) The best are aggressive

Answer: b) The best are hesitant

(8) “The worst are full of passionate intensity” suggests:
a) The worst are apathetic
b) The worst are neutral
c) The worst are fervent
d) The worst are calm

Answer: c) The worst are fervent

(9) What revelation does the poet anticipate?
a) An apocalypse
b) A new dawn
c) A peaceful era
d) A personal insight

Answer: a) An apocalypse

(10) The term “Spiritus Mundi” refers to:
a) An individual soul
b) The spirit of the universe
c) A personal ghost
d) A mythological creature

Answer: b) The spirit of the universe

(11) The beast described has the body of:
a) A dragon
b) A lion
c) A serpent
d) A horse

Answer: b) A lion

(12) The beast’s head is that of:
a) A bird
b) A lion
c) A human
d) A serpent

Answer: c) A human

(13) The beast’s gaze is described as:
a) Gentle and kind
b) Blank and pitiless
c) Warm and welcoming
d) Fierce and bright

Answer: b) Blank and pitiless

(14) The shadows surrounding the beast are of:
a) Trees
b) Mountains
c) Desert birds
d) People

Answer: c) Desert birds

(15) What is the “darkness” that drops again?
a) A literal nightfall
b) A metaphorical darkness
c) A solar eclipse
d) A storm

Answer: b) A metaphorical darkness

(16) The “twenty centuries of stony sleep” symbolizes:
a) An era of enlightenment
b) A prolonged period of inactivity
c) A short nap
d) A time of prosperity

Answer: b) A prolonged period of inactivity

(17) What disturbed the centuries of sleep?
a) A loud noise
b) A gentle lullaby
c) A rocking cradle
d) A sudden awakening

Answer: c) A rocking cradle

(18) The “rough beast” symbolizes:
a) Hope
b) Despair
c) Change
d) Destruction

Answer: d) Destruction

(19) The movement of the beast is described as:
a) Fast and urgent
b) Slow and deliberate
c) Swift and graceful
d) Erratic and random

Answer: b) Slow and deliberate

(20) The destination of the beast is:
a) Rome
b) Jerusalem
c) Bethlehem
d) Athens

Answer: c) Bethlehem

(21) The poem reflects a sense of:
a) Optimism
b) Pessimism
c) Neutrality
d) Joy

Answer: b) Pessimism

(22) “Slouches towards Bethlehem” suggests the beast’s:
a) Eagerness
b) Reluctance
c) Determination
d) Weariness

Answer: b) Reluctance

(23) The “rocking cradle” can be seen as a metaphor for:
a) A new beginning
b) The end of times
c) A peaceful rest
d) A chaotic start

Answer: a) A new beginning

(24) The poem was written by:
a) T.S. Eliot
b) W.B. Yeats
c) Robert Frost
d) Ezra Pound

Answer: b) W.B. Yeats

(25) The overarching mood of the poem is:
a) Hopeful
b) Tranquil
c) Ominous
d) Joyful

Answer: c) Ominous

The Second Coming MCQ Question Answer Set: 3

(1) What does the falcon symbolize in the poem?
a) Control
b) Freedom
c) Chaos
d) Stability

Answer: c) Chaos

(2) What phrase indicates the loss of order in the world?
a) “Turning and turning”
b) “The falcon cannot hear the falconer”
c) “Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world”
d) “The ceremony of innocence is drowned”

Answer: c) “Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world”

(3) What is the primary theme of the poem?
a) Hope
b) Love
c) Despair
d) Rebirth

Answer: c) Despair

(4) What does “the centre cannot hold” suggest?
a) Strength
b) Weakness
c) Balance
d) Disintegration

Answer: d) Disintegration

(5) What is “loosed upon the world”?
a) Peace
b) Prosperity
c) Anarchy
d) Order

Answer: c) Anarchy

(6) What does the “blood-dimmed tide” symbolize?
a) War and violence
b) Calm and tranquility
c) Celebration
d) Indifference

Answer: a) War and violence

(7) What happens to “the ceremony of innocence”?
a) It thrives
b) It is celebrated
c) It is drowned
d) It is ignored

Answer: c) It is drowned

(8) How are the best people described in the poem?
a) Full of hope
b) Lacking conviction
c) Passionate and intense
d) Violent and aggressive

Answer: b) Lacking conviction

(9) How are the worst people described in the poem?
a) Indifferent
b) Lackadaisical
c) Full of passionate intensity
d) Full of despair

Answer: c) Full of passionate intensity

(10) What does the poet suggest is at hand?
a) A new beginning
b) The end of time
c) The Second Coming
d) A revelation

Answer: c) The Second Coming

(11) What emerges from “Spiritus Mundi”?
a) A bird
b) A beast
c) A god
d) A human

Answer: b) A beast

(12) How is the beast described?
a) Beautiful and serene
b) Gentle and kind
c) Lion body with the head of a man
d) Harmless and playful

Answer: c) Lion body with the head of a man

(13) What is the gaze of the beast compared to?
a) The moon
b) A pitiless sun
c) A star
d) The ocean

Answer: b) A pitiless sun

(14) What surrounds the beast as it moves?
a) Shadows of desert birds
b) Lush greenery
c) Human followers
d) Wild animals

Answer: a) Shadows of desert birds

(15) What does the phrase “twenty centuries of stony sleep” refer to?
a) A period of peace
b) A period of inactivity
c) A long period of turmoil
d) A long period of rest

Answer: b) A period of inactivity

(16) What has vexed the stony sleep to nightmare?
a) A new dawn
b) A rocking cradle
c) A peaceful era
d) A quiet lullaby

Answer: b) A rocking cradle

(17) Where is the “rough beast” headed?
a) To the mountains
b) To the sea
c) Towards Bethlehem
d) To a forest

Answer: c) Towards Bethlehem

(18) What does the beast’s movement signify?
a) Calm and order
b) The coming of a new era
c) A return to the past
d) Stability and peace

Answer: b) The coming of a new era

(19) What does the “rocking cradle” symbolize?
a) Birth of Christ
b) Birth of a new era
c) Death and destruction
d) Eternal sleep

Answer: b) Birth of a new era

The Second Coming MCQ Question Answer

(20) How is the image of the beast troubling the speaker?
a) Its gentleness
b) Its kindness
c) Its blank and pitiless gaze
d) Its beauty

Answer: c) Its blank and pitiless gaze

(21) What kind of imagery is predominantly used in the poem?
a) Pastoral
b) Utopian
c) Apocalyptic
d) Romantic

Answer: c) Apocalyptic

(22) What literary device is used in “the falcon cannot hear the falconer”?
a) Metaphor
b) Simile
c) Hyperbole
d) Irony

Answer: a) Metaphor

(23) Which line suggests that a significant event is imminent?
a) “Turning and turning in the widening gyre”
b) “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold”
c) “Surely some revelation is at hand”
d) “The blood-dimmed tide is loosed”

Answer: c) “Surely some revelation is at hand”

(24) The phrase “slouches towards Bethlehem to be born” suggests what about the beast?
a) It is eager and quick
b) It is tired and slow
c) It is reluctant and forced
d) It is confident and strong

Answer: b) It is tired and slow

(25) What does the term “Spiritus Mundi” refer to?
a) The human soul
b) The collective spirit of the world
c) A specific deity
d) A personal revelation

Answer: b) The collective spirit of the world

আরও দেখো: ক্লাস 11 প্রথম সেমেস্টার বাংলা সাম্যবাদী কবিতার MCQ

The Bangle Sellers MCQ Questions and Answers

West Bengali Council of Higher Secondary Education // Class XI First Semester English New Syllabus // The Second Coming MCQ Question Answer

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