Jimmy Valentine Questions and Answers Class 11 English Second Semester

Here we have shared Jimmy Valentine Questions and Answers Class 11 English Second Semester // Alias Jimmy Valentine by O. Henry

Jimmy Valentine Long Questions and Answers Class 11 English Second Semester
Marks: 6

Q.1 Briefly narrate in your own words the conversation between Jimmy and the Warden inside the jail? Did Jimmy follow the advice of the Warden? (3+3)

Ans: In the jail, the Warden advised Jimmy Valentine to stop his criminal activities of cracking safes and live an honest life. The Warden warned Jimmy that continuing his burglary would lead him back to prison. He emphasized that Jimmy had the intelligence to live a respectable life and should use his skills positively.

Despite the advice, Jimmy initially did not follow it. After being released, he resumed his safe-cracking activities. However, later in the story, after meeting Annabel Adams and falling in love, Jimmy finally took the Warden’s advice. He reformed himself and started living a respectable life as Ralph D. Spencer, a successful businessman in Elmore.

Q.2 Who was Ben Price? Why did he ignore to recognize Jimmy at the end of the story? (1+5)

Ans: Ben Price was a skilled detective who had arrested Jimmy Valentine in the past and had been tracking him after his release from prison.

At the end of the story, when Jimmy reverted to his old identity to save a child trapped inside a bank vault, Ben Price witnessed the event.
However, instead of arresting him, Ben ignored to recognize Jimmy. He did this because he realized that Jimmy had genuinely reformed. Jimmy risked exposing his past life to save a life, and Price respected this selfless act. By ignoring Jimmy, Ben allowed him to continue his new life as Ralph D. Spencer, giving him a second chance at redemption.

Q.3 Draw a pen picture of the character of Jimmy Valentine.
Or, Evaluate/ Sketch the character of Jimmy Valentine.

Answer: In O. Henry’s short story, the protagonist Jimmy Valentine is initially presented as a smart and skilled burglar who would not touch hard drinks. He could mix with upper-class people and impersonate them effortlessly. However, Jimmy is transformed by the love of Annabel Adams, whose strong personality and beauty captivate him. He falls in love and decides to become a good man. His goodness is fully evident when he saves the life of a little girl, even at the cost of his own future with Annabel. Jimmy is an example of a person transformed by the power of love, which is a rare and inspiring transformation. His complete dedication to Annabel and his commitment to honesty, after renouncing criminality, demonstrate the depth of his character.

Class 11 English Second Semester Jimmy Valentine Broad Questions and Answers
Marks: 6

Q.4 Analyse the character of Ben Price.

Ben Price, the detective in O. Henry’s “Jimmy Valentine,” plays a crucial role in the story, serving as a foil to Jimmy Valentine. He is portrayed as a skilled and persistent law enforcement officer, known for his ability to catch criminals like Jimmy. When Jimmy is released from prison, Ben quickly connects a series of burglaries to him, proving his sharp investigative skills.

However, Ben Price’s character is not just about professional efficiency. He also demonstrates depth, morality, and empathy. After tracking Jimmy to Elmore, Ben witnesses Jimmy’s transformation into Ralph D. Spencer, a respectable citizen who sacrifices his own future to save a child. This act of selflessness moves Ben, and he decides to let Jimmy go, recognizing that he has genuinely reformed.

Ben Price represents both justice and mercy. His decision to let Jimmy go highlights his belief in the possibility of change and the importance of moral judgment over strict adherence to the law. Ben is not a rigid character; rather, he understands that sometimes compassion and forgiveness can achieve more than punishment.

Q.5 “Mr. Ralph D. Spencer, the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes” -Who is Ralph D. Spencer? What is phoenix? Why has the comparison been made?

Answer: Mr. Ralph D. Spencer is the new name that Jimmy Valentine assumed while living in Elmore.

According to ancient mythology, the phoenix is a legendary bird that lives in the Arabian desert for five or six centuries. After this time, it burns itself to ashes and is reborn from those ashes every five hundred years.

When Jimmy Valentine looked into Annabel’s eyes, he forgot his past and became a different man. He decided to abandon his old profession of burglary and lead an honest life with a new identity. Thus, Ralph D. Spencer emerged from the ashes of Jimmy Valentine through the power of love. Therefore, the comparison of Jimmy Valentine to the phoenix is fitting.

Q.6 What did Jimmy write to his old friend in St. Louis, and why did he write it?

Jimmy wrote a letter to his old friend, Billy, asking him to meet him on Wednesday at Little Rock. In the letter, he informed Billy that he had left burglary one year ago and had opened a new store. He also shared that he was going to marry the finest girl on earth and planned to settle in Elmore after their marriage.

Jimmy wanted to lead an honest life with Annabel after marriage. To symbolize his commitment to this new path, he decided to give his burglary tools to a faithful friend. Thus, he wrote the letter to Billy to arrange their meeting.

Class XI English Second Semester Jimmy Valentine Descriptive Questions and Answers
Marks: 6

Q.7 Compare the characters of Jimmy Valentine and Ralph D. Spencer.

Answer: Jimmy Valentine and Ralph D. Spencer are two identities of the same person at different points in his life. While Jimmy Valentine is a notorious safe-cracker, Ralph D. Spencer is a respected businessman. Ralph shows generosity and heroism by saving the life of a little girl named Agatha, while Jimmy once cracked safes to steal from others. The transformation is evident when Ben Price, the detective who once arrested Jimmy, chooses to let him go after witnessing his selfless act. This shows how Ralph D. Spencer, a reformed version of Jimmy, emerges through love, especially influenced by Annabel Adams. Jimmy’s criminal past fades away, giving way to Ralph’s honest and caring persona.

Q.8 What new name did Jimmy Valentine assume at Elmore? What business did he open there? How did Jimmy fare at Elmore?

Jimmy Valentine assumed the name Ralph D. Spencer when he arrived in Elmore. He opened a shoe store, which he ran successfully. His business flourished, and he gained a solid customer base in the community.

In Elmore, Ralph D. Spencer became well-liked and respected. He made many friends and was known for his charm and friendliness. One of the most important people he met was Annabel Adams, a beautiful and kind woman. Ralph was captivated by her, and they quickly developed a strong connection. After only two weeks of knowing her, he proposed, and they became engaged.

Q.9 “There he tasted the sweet joys of Liberty” — Who was he? Where and how did he taste the sweet joys of liberty? Why was it sweet to him?

Answer: “He” refers to Jimmy Valentine, who had just been released from jail.

After his release, Jimmy went to a restaurant where he experienced the sweet joys of liberty by enjoying a broiled chicken and a bottle of white wine. He also smoked a high-quality cigar afterward.

Having been imprisoned for ten long months, where he had no choice in what he ate, the freedom to enjoy food of his own choice made the experience particularly sweet for him.

WBCHSE Class 11 English Second Semester Jimmy Valentine Questions and Answers
Marks: 6

Q.10 “I would not do another crooked thing for the whole world.” Who is the speaker? To whom did he make this proposal or promise? Did he keep his promise?

Answer: The speaker of the quote, “I would not do another crooked thing for the whole world,” is Jimmy Valentine. He made this promise to his old friend, Billy, while reflecting on his past life of crime.

After being released from prison, Jimmy moved to Elmore and assumed the name Ralph D. Spencer. He completely reformed his character and decided to lead an honest life. He opened a successful shoe store in Elmore and built a new reputation for himself.

Over the course of a year, Jimmy earned the respect of the community and became well-liked by the townspeople. He also fell in love with Annabel Adams and became engaged to her.

Q.11 Justify the title of the short story “Jimmy Valentine.”

The title of any literary work is one of the most essential elements, as it reflects the central idea of the story. In O. Henry’s short story “Jimmy Valentine,” the protagonist is a skilled safe-cracker named Jimmy Valentine. The story begins with Jimmy being released from jail. He is handsome and intelligent but earns money by cracking safes. After his release, he goes to a small town called Elmore, where he meets a beautiful girl named Annabel Adams. From this point in his life, things start to change, and Jimmy becomes Ralph D. Spencer.

In Elmore, Ralph not only becomes a successful and respected businessman but is also about to marry Mr. Adam’s daughter in a few days. However, something else is in store for Jimmy, as the detective Ben Price has been looking for him. To save Agatha, a five-year-old girl from the Adams family, Ralph once again becomes the old Jimmy Valentine. Thus, the whole story revolves around the ups and downs of Jimmy’s life. Therefore, the title of the story “Jimmy Valentine” is appropriate.

Class 11 English Second Semester Jimmy Valentine Short Questions and Answers
Marks: 2

Q.1 What did Jimmy’s suitcase contain?

Ans: Jimmy’s suitcase contained his own-made tools of burglary, such as drills, clamps, punches, and a brace.

Q.2 Where did Jimmy keep his suitcase?

Ans: Jimmy kept his suitcase inside a panel in the wall.

Q.3 What was the cost of Jimmy’s tools?

Ans: The cost of Jimmy’s tools was over nine hundred (900) dollars.

Q.4 Why and for how many years was Jimmy sent to prison?

Ans: Jimmy was sent to prison for ten years for his work in burglary in Springfield.

Q.5 What was Jimmy’s number in jail?

Ans: In jail, Jimmy’s number was 9762.

Q.6 What did the clerk at the prison give Jimmy?

Ans: The clerk at the prison gave Jimmy Valentine a railroad ticket and five dollars.

Q.7 What did Jimmy find on the floor of his room?

Ans: When Jimmy came back to his room from jail, he found the collar button of the detective’s shirt on the floor.

Q.8 What is the original title of the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’?

Ans: The original name of O. Henry’s short story ‘Jimmy Valentine’ is ‘A Retrieved Reformation’.

Q.9 Who is Cronin in the short story ‘Jimmy Valentine’?

Ans: Cronin is a guard at the prison in O. Henry’s short story ‘Jimmy Valentine’.

Q.10 Where and when did Jimmy want to meet his friend Pal?

Ans: Jimmy wanted to meet his friend Pal at Sullivan’s place in Little Rock, next Wednesday night at nine o’clock.

Q.11 Why did Jimmy want to meet Pal?

Ans: Jimmy wished to meet Pal for the last time because he wanted to wind up some matters and give him his tools as a gift.

Q.12 “She is an angel” – Who is referred to as ‘she’?

Ans: Here, ‘she’ refers to Annabel Adams, who is the daughter of Mr. Adams and is going to marry Spencer within a couple of days.

Q.13 “He lounged about the town in his quiet way…” – Whom does ‘he’ refer to here?

Ans: Here, ‘he’ refers to Ben Price, the detective officer who sent Jimmy to jail for ten years.

Q.14 “Going to marry the banker’s daughter, are you, Jimmy?” – Who said this and to whom?

Ans: The above statement was said by Ben Price, the detective officer. He said it to himself.

Jimmy Valentine Questions and Answers // Class 11 English Second Semester
Marks: 2

Q.15 Who was Mike Donal?

Ans: Mike Donal is one of Jimmy’s friends, who is the owner of a café-bar.

Q.16 What business did Jimmy start in Elmore city?

Ans: Jimmy started a shoe business in Elmore city.

Q.17 What was the name of the hotel where
Jimmy booked his room in Elmore city?

Ans: The name of the hotel where Jimmy booked his room in Elmore city was Planter’s Hotel.

Q.18 What is the ‘bull-pen’ point?

Ans: The ‘bull-pen’ is an area in the basketball field where the players practice throwing.

Q.19 What was the first thing Jimmy did after he got released from jail?

Ans: After getting released from jail, Jimmy ignored the birds, the waving trees, and the smell of the flowers, and went straight to a restaurant where he tasted the first sweet joys of liberty in the shape of a broiled chicken, a bottle of wine, and a cigar.

Q.20 Where was the first work of burglary done after Jimmy’s release?

Ans: After Jimmy’s release, the first work of burglary was done at Richmond, Indiana.

Q.21 Who wrote the short story ‘Jimmy Valentine’?

Ans: O. Henry wrote the short story ‘Jimmy Valentine’.

Q.22 From which short story collection has the story been taken?

Ans: This story has been taken from the short story collection ‘Roads of Destiny’ (1909).

Q.23 What was Jimmy doing when the guard came to the prison shoe shop?

Ans: When the guard came to the prison shoe shop, Jimmy was assiduously stitching uppers.

Q.24 For how long was he condemned to be in prison?

Ans: He was put in prison for four years.

Q.25 How long had Jimmy expected to stay in the prison?

Ans: Jimmy had expected to stay in prison for only about three months.

Q.26 How much time did he actually serve in the prison?

Ans: He had actually served nearly ten months of a four-year sentence in prison.

Q.27 “Take him back, Cronin!” Who said this and to whom?

Ans: The above-mentioned line was said by the warden to the guard of the prison where Jimmy was confined.

Q.28 “Was it because…. An alibi for fear of compromising somebody….society?” – Who said this and to whom? Write the meaning of ‘alibi’.

Ans: The warden said this to Jimmy Valentine. ‘Alibi’ means a piece of evidence that one was elsewhere when a criminal act is alleged to have taken place.

Q.29 “Better think over my advice, Valentine.” – What advice did the speaker give to the listener?

Ans: The speaker here is the warden of the prison and the listener is Jimmy Valentine. The warden advised Jimmy to abandon the disgraceful job of cracking safes and to live a straight life.

Q.30 What did the clerk at the prison give Jimmy Valentine?

Ans: The clerk at the prison gave Jimmy Valentine a railroad ticket and a five-dollar bill.

Jimmy Valentine Short Questions and Answers // Class 11 English Second Semester
Marks: 2

Q.31 What did the warden give him at the time of his release?

Ans: At the time of his release, the warden gave Jimmy a cigar.

Q.32 How did Jimmy enjoy his freedom immediately after being released from jail? Or, What did Jimmy enjoy in the restaurant?

Ans: After being released from jail, Jimmy immediately went to a restaurant where he enjoyed a broiled chicken and a bottle of white wine. Thereafter, he had a cigar which he considered to be better than the one the warden had offered him.

Q.33 Where in his room did Jimmy keep his tool kit?

Ans: Jimmy kept his tool kit in a suitcase inside a panel in the wall of his room.

Q.34 What did Jimmy’s suitcase contain?

Ans: Jimmy’s suitcase contained all the equipment which he used for burglary, including drills, punches, braces, bits, jimmies, clamps, augers, and two or three novelties invented by Jimmy himself.

Q.35 What happened a week after the release of Valentine from the prison? OR, Describe Jimmy’s first act of burglary after his release from prison.

Ans: A week after the release of Valentine from prison, a neat job of safe burglary took place in Richmond, Indiana, with no clue to the culprit. A scant eight hundred dollars was all that was secured.

Q.36 Give an account of the second act of burglary committed by Jimmy after he was freed from jail.

Ans: Three weeks after Jimmy’s release from jail, the second act of burglary was committed in Logansport. A patented, improved burglar-proof safe was opened like a cheese. Fifteen hundred dollars in currency was stolen, but securities and silver were untouched.

Q.37 What happened in Jefferson City?

Ans: Bank notes amounting to five thousand dollars from an old-fashioned bank safe were stolen in Jefferson City. The losses were so high that the matter was brought into Ben Price’s class of work.

Q.38 Who was Annabel Adams?

Ans: Annabel Adams was the young and beautiful daughter of Mr. Adams.

Q.39 Who was the owner of the Elmore Bank?

Ans: Mr. Adams was the owner of ‘The Elmore Bank’.

Q.40 Where did Jimmy Valentine register his name as D. Spencer and why? In which hotel did Jimmy engage a room in Elmore? Under which name did he register there?

Ans: Jimmy Valentine registered himself as Ralph D. Spencer to engage a room in the Planters’ Hotel, Elmore.

Q.41 Who is referred to as ‘phoenix’ in the text and why?

Ans: In the text, Ralph D Spencer is referred to as a phoenix, that arose from the ashes of Jimmy Valentine. Like a phoenix bird who burns itself to ashes and then takes birth again from it, Mr. Spencer is also the rebirth of Jimmy Valentine, the notorious safecracker.

Q.42 How did Jimmy transform after falling in love? Or, What business did Jimmy start in Elmore?

Ans: Jimmy fell in love with Anabbel, at the very first sight. Therefore, he decided to settle in Elmore taking the false identity of Mr Ralph D Spencer. There he openede his shoe business and prospered.

Q.43 To whom did Jimmy plan to give his burglary tools? Where and when did he want to meet the said person?

Ans: Jimmy planned to give his burglary tools to his ‘old pal’, Billy.

He wanted to meet Billy at Sullivan’s place in Little Rock the next Wednesday night, at nine o’clock.

Q.44 “… she’s an angel.” – Who is referred to here as an ‘angel’? What did Jimmy decide to do after his marriage?

Ans: Here, Annabel Adams is referred to as an ‘angel’ by Jimmy. He considered Annabel an ‘angel’ as for her love, Jimmy was transformed into an honest person. Jimmy decided to sell everything and go to the West after his marriage to Annabel.

Q.45 “Wouldn’t I make a nice drummer?”-Who said this and to whom? Why did the speaker say this?

Ans: Annabel said this to Jimmy. Putting on Jimmy’s hat and picking up his suitcase, Annabel felt that she resembled a drummer.

Jimmy Valentine Questions and Answers // Class 11 English Second Semester
Marks: 2

Q.46 What new thing was put in the Elmore Bank?

Ans: A new safe and vault was put in The Elmore Bank.

Q.47 Who were May and Agatha?

Ans: May was the nine-year-old and Agatha was the five-year-old daughter of Annabel’s married sister.

Q.48 Who had shut whom in the vault?

Ans: May, the nine-year-old daughter of Annabel’s sister in a playful spirit, had shut her younger sister, the five-year-old, Agatha in the vault.

Q.49 “She will die of fright !” – Who said this and about whom? Why did the speaker say this?

Ans: Agatha’s mother said this about her five-year-old daughter Agatha.Agatha was a little girl who was mistakenly locked inside the vault by her elder sister, May. Hence out of fear and panic for her daughter’s life, the speaker said this.

Q.50 Whom did Jimmy Valentine rescue from the vault?

Ans: Jimmy Valentine rescued Agatha, the younger daughter of Annabel’s sister from the vault.

Q.51 How long did he take to break the vault of ‘The Elmore Bank’?

Ans: Jimmy took ten minutes to break the vault of ‘The Elmore Bank’.

Q.52 “At the door a big man stood…”-Who was the ‘big man? What was his reaction on meeting Jimmy?

Ans: The ‘big man’ who stood at the door was Ben Price, the eminent detective.

Q.53 Why do you think Ben Price reacted strangely?
Or, Why did Ben price not arrest jimmy?
Or, Why was Ben Price’s action described as ‘ strange ‘ at the end of the story?

Ans: At the end of the story, Ben Price reacted strangely because he realised that Jimmy was transformed into an honest man. He forgave and did not arrest Jimmy. He gave Jimmy a chance to rebuild his life.

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